TORIES OUT | NO MORE AUSTERITY National Demonstration in Manchester, Sunday 1st October.

Photograph of NO MORE AUSTERITY demonstrators at Castle Arena, Manchester. 1st October 2017.
NO MORE AUSTERITY | SCRAP THE PAY CAP FOR DECENT HEALTH, HOMES, JOBS & EDUCATION demonstrators at Castle Arena, Manchester. 1st October 2017.

UNISON Members joined tens of thousands of Labour supporters, union members and members of other left-wing campaign groups with placards, in fancy dress and chanting “Oh, Jeremy Corbyn” as they took part in The People’s Assembly demonstration against austerity in Manchester.

Protesters gathered in the Castlefield Arena to hear a number of passionate speeches, followed by a march past the Conservative Party Conference and onto Piccadilly Gardens behind the banner: “NO MORE AUSTERITY. WE DEMAND AN ALTERNATIVE.”

Photograph of NO MORE AUSTERITY protest march from Castlefield Arena to Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester. 1st October 2017.
NO MORE AUSTERITY protest march from Castlefield Arena to Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester. 1st October 2017.

The major national demonstration was part of the TAKE BACK MANCHESTER FESTIVAL 2017 which has included five days of demonstrations, cultural events, rallies, comedy, music and public meetings demanding NO MORE AUSTERITY and DECENT HEALTH, HOMES, JOBS & EDUCATION.

Castlefield Arena Speeches.

NO MORE AUSTERITY National Demonstration in pictures.