UNISON Southend-on-Sea members join hundreds of other trade unionists at the STAND UP TO RACISM – TRADE UNION CONFERENCE

Hundreds gathered at the Stand Up To Racism – Trade Union Conference on Saturday 10 February to organise anti-racism initiatives in our workplaces, communities, schools and colleges. Debates included how to challenge the Football Lads Alliance (FLA), how to fight for workers’ freedom of movement and how trade unionists can build solidarity with refugees.

Amongst the speakers was Roger McKenzie (UNISON Assistant General Secretary) who condemned the recent proposal to erect a blue plaque commemorating racist Enoch Powell and suggested we need plaques to honour victims of racism instead.

For those that missed the event please click here to read the conference report and to watch the entire plenary sessions.

Claire Wormald (UNISON Southend-on-Sea Secretary) stated “the conference provided an excellent opportunity to share stories and strategies to help organise against racism, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism.”

“There has been a rise in hate crimes and racism in the UK, the numerous examples include the tragic murder of Jo Cox, more people being racially abused on the street, a blue plaque being considered to honour racist Enoch Powell, schools banning the hijab supported by Ofsted and the Government, and the callous and damaging policies preventing the reunion of refugee families. We know this has to change. We need to bring people together and March Against Racism.”

Claire finished by saying “we hope you can all join us to observer the UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination – whether you’re fighting the cuts to the NHS, Local Government or Education – the March Against Racism is for Justice and solidarity with people across the world.”

Photograph of trade unionists applauding speakers at the Stand Up To Racism - Trade Union Conference. (10.02.18)
Trade unionists applauding speakers at the Stand Up To Racism – Trade Union Conference. (10.02.18)

Tackling hatred, racism and division was a key focus of the conference and the importance of participation in large public demonstrations – festivals of love, multiculturalism and union – was emphasised. Speakers at the conference’s closing rally called for people to join the MARCH AGAINST RACISM demonstrations in London, Glasgow and Cardiff on 17 March. More information about transportation from Southend to the London demonstration coming soon.

Conference ended with a chant rehearsal for demonstrations on 17 March:


Stand Up To Racism Trade Union Conference in pictures.

Photographs: Tim Fransen

For more information about Stand Up To Racism please visit the website, Facebook page and Twitter account.