Union Learning Reps put on a successful training course in ‘Managing Challenging Behaviour’ with Milton Hall Primary School and Nursery.

Photograph of UNISON Southend-on-Sea members at a ‘Managing Challenging Behaviour’ training course.
UNISON Southend-on-Sea members at a ‘Managing Challenging Behaviour’ training course.

On Monday 19th February 2018, Union Learning Reps (ULRs) from UNISON Southend-on-Sea worked in partnership with Milton Hall Primary School and Nursery to deliver a successful training course in ‘Managing Challenging Behaviour’ for our members.

Becoming a ULR is a great way to organise, encourage and support other colleagues in your workplace through education and training. ULRs help their colleagues identify the skills they need, and sort out things like time off to train, loans, grants and funding, or any additional support they might need.

Contact the UNISON Southend-on-Sea branch and visit the following links to find out more: UNISON ULRs | UnionLearn with the TUC

Photograph of ULRs at UNISON National ULR Conference, UNISON Centre, 2016
ULRs at UNISON National ULR Conference, UNISON Centre, 2016