Call for School workers and Local Government workers including South Essex Homes and Southend Care to return ballot papers by 8th March either via the Southend branch office or by using the prepaid envelope.
PAY BALLOT CLOSES TODAY – For your vote to count, hand deliver your ballot paper to the Branch Office today!
If you have not received a ballot paper please contact the Southend branch office ASAP.
The national pay offer from your employer is under consultation – for the majority of local government workers including those at Southend Borough Council, it means just a 2% pay increase – another below-inflation pay offer. Wages in local government have risen by just 4.4% since 2010 compared to a 22% rise in the cost of living – we deserve better!
The recommendation from UNISON Southend-on-Sea branch and the National Joint Council (NJC) is to REJECT this offer because for the majority it represents another unfair pay cut.
We want you to have your say, so please USE YOUR VOTE today.
Whatever you think of the pay offer, whether you want to accept or reject it, we ask you to Have Your Say and Vote on Pay – the outcome of this pay offer is in your hands.
For more information, please attend the following events:
5th March 5.00 – 5.45 pm
Pay Meeting – Committee Room 6, Civic Centre, Southend Borough Council
6th March 12.15 – 2.00 pm
UNISON Pay Up Now! Stall – Reception Area, Civic Centre, Southend Borough Council
… or contact the UNISON Southend-on-Sea branch and invite us to your workplace.
Please also download this Member’s Briefing that explains in more detail the offer and the reasons why the recommendation is to REJECT this offer, and visit the following link for further details about the Pay Up Now! campaign for Council and School Workers.