On 27th February, UNISON Southend-on-Sea hosted a celebration for LGBT+ History Month. LGBT History Month is a month-long annual observance of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history, and the history of the gay rights and related civil rights movements.

In the Jubilee Room at the Civic Centre stalls were set-up, representing community organisations and workplaces from across the borough. In addition, Gina Denham, founder and chair of TRANSPIRE (a Southend based Transgender Support Network) gave an informative and entertaining presentation on both transitioning as well as diversity at work. Read TRANSPIRE member Ren Stedman’s excellent article here.
The event closed with UNISON Southend, OUTreach (Southend Borough Council LGBT+ staff forum) and TRANSPIRE joining together to raise the Rainbow Flag above the Civic Centre.

UNISON Southend-on-Sea LGBT+ self-organised group are here to support members, raise awareness, challenge discrimination, and make links with the wider LGBT+ community of Southend and beyond.
For more information or advice contact Sam Adams (LGBT+ Officer) via the UNISON Office.