UNISON Southend-on-Sea AGM 2018 +buffet in pictures; Secretary and Officers’ Annual Reports; and duly elected Branch Officers and Stewards

Photograph of Steve Cooper (outgoing Branch President) and Louise McDermott (incoming Branch President) co-chairing AGM.
Steve Cooper (outgoing Branch President) and Louise McDermott (incoming Branch President) co-chairing AGM 2018.

UNISON Southend-on-Sea AGM 2018 in pictures

Photographs: Tim Fransen

Branch Secretary and Officers’ Annual Reports

Claire Wormald – Branch Secretary’s Report +

Jill Henson – Disabled Members’ Officer Report +

June Dillow – Women’s Officer Report +

Sam Adams – LGBT+ Officer Report +

Roger Young – Retired Members’ Officer Report +

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Duly elected Branch Officers +

Duly elected Stewards +

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