Announcement graphic reading: "25 – Happy Birthday UNISON!"

This year, our union celebrates an important milestone — our 25th anniversary. Formed by the merger of three great unions — NALGO, NUPE and COHSE — we were told that it could not be done, that it would not work and that our efforts were doomed to failure. On countless occasions UNISON’s downfall has been predicted and UNISON members were counted out.

Those of us who know UNISON members — who are UNISON members — know how big a mistake that was. As the people who heal us, educate us, keep us safe and ensure that we receive care, support and vital services every single day, UNISON people are special people, and the union we have built together is a special union.

Thanks to you — thanks to all of you.

Through every challenge we have continued to move forwards, not just surviving but thriving. Last year nearly 160,000 people joined UNISON and 80% of them were women — further securing our status as the biggest membership organisation for women in our country.

This is a union led by members and where everything that happens starts and ends with the experience of our members. That’s why we’re not just the biggest union, we’re also the best.

The union we have built together was designed to serve its members and we have succeeded in that. Yet whilst we can look back proudly on a quarter of a century of achievement, we owe it to ourselves and to all of our members to redouble our efforts and ensure that in the next 25 years we are a better union still. A union as fit for the next quarter of a century as we have been since our foundation back in 1993.

Ours is a young union and a vibrant union. So while our proud history stretches back more than a century through our predecessor unions, we are not bound by our past. Our focus has to be on looking forwards and building the best possible union for our current and future members.

We can build on our legacy of inclusivity, tolerance and caring and use our collective power to demand so much more — from government, employers and society as a while.

We can be proud that we’re a union that’s member-led but go further still, putting more power in the hands of UNISON members, especially women members — the majority of our members — whose voices must never be drowned out.

And we can be confident that our traditions of openness, transparency and democracy can be deepened and strengthened so that ours is the most accessible, responsive and visible union around.

In the years ahead we must work together, united by a shared purpose to build that better union — not of a million members but millions of members. A union that always goes the extra mile. A union that is always working towards our next milestone. A union that cares about every single member.

A union that marches forwards together — in UNISON.

Click here to read the NEC Annual Report Celebrating 25 years in UNISON