Dear Members,
Black History Month during October is a time to celebrate achievements of Black people throughout history. Black History, and Black British History in particular, is often marginalised.
Black History Month is a key time to acknowledge achievements and provides an opportunity to discuss wider issues affecting the Black community.
This year on Tuesday 23rd of October Southend UNISON will be putting together a Black History event with Southend Borough Council.
More details to follow soon…
UNISON’s Eastern Region Black Members’ Group campaigns for equality in the workplace and the wider community and meets 4 times a year.
All workers may face problems relating to pay, terms and conditions, restructures, disciplinaries etc. However Black members are also at risk of experiencing another layer of problems relating to racism and discrimination.
The group considers how more Black workers can be recruited into UNISON and how more Black UNISON members can become active in their union. We also look at what the union can do to tackle the causes and effects of discrimination. The meetings are relaxed but informative and well attended.
Southend UNISON members can contact the Branch Office and Gloria Lawton (Junior Vice President, Southend UNISON) about becoming a branch delegate and to discuss any issues that might arise in their workplace or contact Winston Dorsett (Regional Organiser, Eastern Region Black Members’ Group) for more information about getting involved with the Eastern Region Black Members’ Group.
Eastern Region Black Members’ Group contact:
Winston Dorsett |
Church Lane House, Church Lane, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 1NH
Telephone: 01245 608 913
There is also the annual Black Members’ Conference in January. This is the largest gathering of Black trade union members in Europe and is always an informative and uplifting event. For more information about attending please read this post.
Kind regards,
Gloria Lawton
Junior Vice President