Southend UNISON members join the #StandUpToRacism demo – 17th November 2018
Southend UNISON branch members joined 40,000 people in London supporting the Stand Up To Racism (SUTR) demo to Whitehall on Saturday.
“Hey Hey Theresa May! Refugees are here to stay!”
“Stop the deportations! Black and White, Unite and Fight!”
It was a real statement of opposition to the rise of racism and fascism in the UK and across Europe, there was also a large and powerful contingent of anti-fascists from Brazil who are opposed to Bolsonaro, the new far-right President.
There was only a very small group of fascists sighted in Whitehall Wetherspoons who ended our day nicely by being arrested and marched away in handcuffs by the Police.
Thanks to all those who came along (and thanks to Paul Stygal and Tim Fransen for the photos). Look out for the local SUTR meeting which we will hopefully be able to arrange early in the New Year. With the Tories and their austerity measures causing such poverty and misery in this country, we need to organise as soon as possible to ensure they can’t use racism to divide us.
For older readers, here is the ‘real Tom(my) Robinson’ speaking at the rally outside Downing Street. He played the Anti-Nazi League rally in 1978 alongside The Clash and X-Ray Spex and is still fighting the fight in 2018.
National Unity Demonstration Against Fascism & Racism in pictures.
Stand Up To Racism vanguard at the National Unity Demonstration on Saturday 17th November 2018.
Southend UNISON members and friends at the National Unity Demonstration on Saturday 17th November 2018.
Southend UNISON members and friends at the National Unity Demonstration on Saturday 17th November 2018.
Southend UNISON members and friends at the National Unity Demonstration on Saturday 17th November 2018.
Anti-racists at the ‘National Unity Demonstration Against Fascism & Racism’ rally at Whitehall, London on Saturday 17th November 2018.
Stand Up To Racism vanguard at the National Unity Demonstration on Saturday 17th November 2018.
Stand Up To Racism vanguard at the National Unity Demonstration on Saturday 17th November 2018.
Anti-racists at the National Unity Demonstration on Saturday 17th November 2018.
Speaker addressing the ‘National Unity Demonstration Against Fascism & Racism’ rally at Whitehall, London on Saturday 17th November 2018.
Southend UNISON members and friends at the National Unity Demonstration on Saturday 17th November 2018.
Southend UNISON members and friends at the National Unity Demonstration on Saturday 17th November 2018.
I LOVE EVERYONE and I’m literally colourblind.
Justice for Grenfell and Fire Brigades Union at the National Unity Demonstration on Saturday 17th November 2018.
Tom Robinson addressing the ‘National Unity Demonstration Against Fascism & Racism’ rally at Whitehall, London on Saturday 17th November 2018.
Southend UNISON members and friends at the National Unity Demonstration on Saturday 17th November 2018.
Southend UNISON members and friends at the National Unity Demonstration on Saturday 17th November 2018.
Stand Up To Racism vanguard at the National Unity Demonstration on Saturday 17th November 2018.
Southend UNISON members and friends at the National Unity Demonstration on Saturday 17th November 2018.