Southend Borough Council is unfairly forcing staff to use a day’s leave this Christmas! Join the UNISON Festive Protest on the steps of the Civic Centre – Thursday 20th December, 12:15 – 1:15pm

Announcement graphic reading: “Southend Borough Council – Don’t be Scrooge! Join the UNISON Festive Protest on the steps of the Civic Centre – Thursday 20th December, 12:15 – 1:15pm”

Dear Members, Stewards and Officers,

Southend Borough Council is unfairly forcing staff to use a day’s leave this Christmas!

Join the UNISON Festive Protest on the steps of the Civic CentreThursday 20th December, 12:15 – 1:15pm

We look forward to seeing you there for a mass ‘photo-bomb’ at 12:45pm and mince pies!

In Charles Dickens’ Christmas Carol, Bob Cratchit wasn’t in a union, but we are – so share this post with workmates, on Facebook and Twitter, and let’s make our voices heard!

All the best,

Claire Wormald
Branch Secretary

Click here to download Festive Protest leaflet .pdf
Click here or above image to download Festive Protest leaflet .pdf