Domestic Abuse and Covid-19 – advice and support from the TUC
The Trades Union Congress (TUC) groups together all the UK’s trade unions. Their Education team have produced this advice on the threat posed by domestic abuse as we all face lockdown and isolation.
The physical workplace can be a place of safety for those experiencing domestic abuse. Now, with stringent social distancing measures in place, that option may be gone.
In only the first weekend of UK lockdown, visits to the national abuse website increased by 150%. Domestic abuse has always been an issue for reps to engage with, but we need you to do this now more than ever.
That’s why today we are launching new guidance on what reps can do to ensure women and their children stay safe during this time. Please take a look at our new online domestic abuse guidance for reps
If you or anyone you know may have been affected by domestic abuse, the guidance contains information on how you can seek help.
For further resources on coronavirus, check out our recordings of our recent Coronavirus at Work webinars and our new guidance for unions.