Support East of England Ambulance Workers

UNISON members working in the East of England Ambulance Service are campaigning against attacks on the service and the excessive hours they are forced to work.


There are more details on the Eastern Region website here .




Support Nurses’ Education 4th June

#BursaryorBust march Saturday 4th June, Central London

The Government plan to scrap bursaries (grants) for student nurses, midwives and others. The unions, including UNISON, are supporting a march to say hands off nurses’ education!

The march starts at 1pm at St Thomas’ Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road, SE17

More details here:


Support the Junior Doctors!

Southend UNISON members went to the Junior Doctors picket line at Southend Hospital on Wednesday and Thursday to show our solidarity. We need to defend our NHS and defend the workers who run it! We will stand by the doctors when they next have to take action if the government don’t back down.

Our recent AGM also had a message for Jeremy Hunt:

support doctors


Pay 2016 – Have Your Say!


pay2016UNISON is carrying out a consultative ballot of all schools and local government members to get your views on an ‘offer’ made by the employers.


For most members (spinal column point 18 and above – equating to the top of Level 4 and above for council staff) it’s a two year deal at 1% a year. Even with low inflation this may end up as yet another pay cut and does nothing to make up for what we have lost in pay freezes and low settlements.

We are recommending rejection.

There is more information on the national website here

There is a letter from Southend Branch with our recommendation here

This is only a consultation so if there is to be industrial action, there will be a separate vote nearer the time. However, we need a good turnout in the ballot so please use your vote.

Schools staff will receive a ballot paper at home, but most others will get their paper from their steward or another UNISON rep. You can also vote in the UNISON office between 9:30 and 1:30 weekdays. Call UNISON if you don’t get your ballot paper by Friday 12th February as the closing date is 18th February.



Stand up for our Unions! 11th February


12:15-13:45 on Thursday 11th February at the top of Southend High Street (outside Odeon and WH Smiths)

Join us for a stall publicising the part trade unions play in our working lives and our communities (and the need to defend them!)

Part of the national ‘high visibility’ day of the Trade Union Congress Heart Unions campaign. All welcome! Organised by Southend UNISON and supported by Southend Trades Union Council.

see the Facebook event hereHeart Unions Campaign 2016 A5 Flyer lo res

Southend members at the Trade Union Bill Lobby – Defend Our Unions!

#Tubill #Right2strike

Members of Southend branch joined thousands of other trade unionists on Monday 2nd November to lobby Members of Parliament. We were raising issues about the attacks on facility time, democracy and our right to take effective industrial action.

See more details here

The campaign goes on – here are some pictures from the day:

Southend UNISON protesting at the Tory Conference in Manchester – No to Austerity!


See some pictures of Southend members and supporters at the TUC’s demonstration – ‘No to Austerity – Yes to Workers Rights!’ in central Manchester on Sunday 4th October.


We joined tens of thousands of others to let Cameron and Osborne know what we think of them and their policies.

Thanks to all those from Southend and Chelmsford who joine dus on the journey North!


PRIDE Film Screening 18th May

Free Screening of PRIDE Monday 18th May 2015
pride (1)
Southend-on-Sea Borough Council’s LGBT Forum (OUTreach) and Unison Southend Branch’s LGBT group are putting on a free screening of hit 2014 film Pride at the Beecroft Gallery on Monday 18 May.
Based on real events, Pride retells the formation of an unlikely alliance between a group of gay rights activists and a Welsh community torn apart by the 1970s Miners strikes. Taking on themes of prejudice, discrimination and solidarity, this is a film that will not fail to make you laugh, think and maybe even shed a tear. To view the official trailer on YouTube, click here.
Now, in a nod to the bond formed all those years ago – and to mark IDAHO Day (International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia) – the Council and Unison invite you to attend this fantastic, free cinematic event at the Beecroft Gallery lecture theatre. Popcorn will be provided and there will be an opportunity to network after the screening over a glass of wine or fruit juice and nibbles.
To pre-book your ticket, please email Alternatively, you can simply turn up on the evening, however people who have pre-booked will be given priority.
Venue: The Beecroft Gallery, Victoria Avenue
Date: Monday 18 May
Time: 6.00-8.30pm​