June 18th – unions say it’s Time for A Change!

Trade Union March and Rally in Central London June 18th

18 june logoCost of Living crisis : We Demand Better – Enough is Enough!

Organised by the national Trades Union Congress (TUC)

Assembles from 10:30 at Portland Place, march starts at 12:00

Book places on the free coach from Southend! Email us at unison@southend.gov.uk with a Subject line of ‘June 18th Coach’ and let us know how many seats you’d like!

On Saturday 18 June, the trade union movement will be taking to the streets to demand action on18 June flyer the cost of living – a new deal for working people, and a pay rise for all workers.

Families across the country are bearing the brunt of the cost-of-living storm.

Every worker needs a real pay rise in 2022.

The government needs to act now. Let’s come together on 18 June to speak out.

UNISON members will be marching with thousands of people from all over the UK, followed by rally in Parliament Square. Join us in London!

Southend Coach leaves Royal Mail Short Street 8:30am, picking up along A13, last stop Basildon.

March Schedule

10:30 – Gather at Portland place W1B 1PR (The short march will form up at Whitehall Place at 11am)

12:00 – March departs toward Parliament square

13:00 – Rally starts in Parliament square – Westminster,
London SW1 3BD



International Womens Day 2022

International Womens Day Events

Watch for announcements of local activities and join these national events:


Webinar: Eve of International Women’s Day Event – Fighting For The Right To Choose; 7 March, 5:00pm – 6:30pm
IWD Empower
On the Eve of International Women’s Day, UNISON’s National International Committee and National Women’s Committee will be hosting a webinar on defending abortion rights.

Speakers include Kerry Abel, Abortion Rights UK, Renee Bracey Sherman, We Testify, USA, Mara Rivera from Argentina and Naomi Connor from Alliance for Choice, Northern Ireland. Our General Secretary Christina McAnea will also say a few words and we have a wonderful musician Juanita Euka performing to open and close the event. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.

Join Zoom Meeting


Find out more

Webinar: Building Safe and Healthy Workplaces for Women; 8 March, 4:00pm – 5:45pm
IWD H and S
On International Women’s Day, UNISON’s National Health and Safety Committee and National Women’s Committee will be hosting a webinar on the hazards in women’s work.

We will hear from a variety of speakers looking at the hazards women face in the workplace and how we can organise around them. We will be joined by international speaker, Professor Karen Messing, from the University of Quebec whose ground-breaking book ‘One Eyed Science’ published in the late 90s exposed the lack of research and protections for women workers.

You will need to register in advance to take part. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Register Now

Find out more

Lunchtime protest – Postponed!Defend Business Support Jobs and Services

Friday 17th December 12-1pm

This event has had to be postponed to the New Year due to the surge in Covid cases

Business Support Restructure – Don’t let Jobs and Services get Scrooged!

Join our ‘festive’ protest! Meet on the steps of the Civic Centre – photos, carols and mince pies at 12:30!

Business Support jobs and services across Southend Council are under threat from a restructure involving a planned 25% cut in resources. Staff have been left in the dark about what their jobs will be and how services will be delivered. All teams and service users across the Council will suffer as their admin is taken away and cut back.

Scrooge Postponed


#fightthecuts #nocuts #defendjobsandservices

Schools – Online Campaign Day 9th December

Protect Pupils, Protect Education campaign day – 9 December

Schools picThe rapid spread of COVID-19 is disrupting the education of many children, and there are now concerns about the Omicron variant. We’re calling on the Government to keep pupils safe to help keep them in school.

On Thursday 9 December, we are asking parents, staff and the wider community to urge their MPs to tell the government to bring in additional safety measures for schools in England to protect face-to-face education.

#ProtectPupils #ProtectEducation

Support this campaign day – click this link to take action!
More schools news from UNISON-

Council and Schools Pay Ballot Starts

pay21 xma

Council and schools workers have already seen a 25% cut in real pay since 2010! We’ve now got inflation at 6% (the RPI rate) with gas, electricity and petrol prices soaring. That’s why our pay claim in 2021 was for 10%. It’s above inflation and would have started to undo some of the damage of the last eleven years.

We’ve been offered an insulting 1.75% (2.75% for the lowest grades) and the employers won’t shift, so we’re now balloting for industrial action and you will be getting a voting paper in December. We think now more than ever it’s time to take a stand.

Whatever your view, it is more important than ever to use your vote – The law has been changed so we now need at least 50% of all members to return their ballot papers in order to get a valid result.

Of course, we hope you’ll vote Yes! That way we can take the action that will show the employers that enough is enough and that we mean business. #VoteYes #EnoughisEnough

We wish every member, their friends and families a happy and healthy Xmas!

Scan this QR code for more information on the pay campaignQR code for pay
or visit https://www.unison.org.uk/our-campaigns/fair-pay-now-council-school-workers/

August Newsletter

Southend UNISON Newsletter August 2021

Follow these links to individual articles:

Local Government & Schools Pay
Mandatory Vaccinations for Care Staff
SBC Business Support Restructure

or download a pdf here  

Aug news front page

Local Government & Schools Pay

Unions recommend REJECT in consultative ballot

Reject Pay Offer 2021

 The trade union side of the National joint Committee (NJC) met  on 28th July to discuss the  Employers’ Side’s final pay offer, and to agree next steps.

The offer is for a 1.75% pay increase from 1 April 2021, with 2.75% for those on spinal column point 1. The offer also included commitment to complete the term time review, discussions on joint guidance on homeworking and mental health, and incorporation of new statutory provisions of neo-natal leave and pay into the Green Book.

This offer affects local council employees, most schools staff and other organisations which follow the NJC pay award.

This offer falls far short of what members need and deserve. Local government staff have suffered years of real terms pay cuts, and inflation is now 3.9%. So the 1.75% for everyone above pay point 1 will cause local government pay to fall further behind the cost of living. Our members have shown how indispensable they are throughout COVID, often putting their own health and safety at risk so as to continue to provide services. This pay offer is far less than they deserve.

There is more informstion about the pay claim and the consultation here: https://www.unison.org.uk/news/article/2021/08/now-is-the-time-have-your-say-on-pay/

The trade unions have agreed to launch a consultation of members on this pay offer. On 6th September, you should receive an email with details of the electronic consultation. Check your spam folder as well as your inbox!  Please make sure UNISON has the right contact details for you, including the email you want us to use – you can do this yourself at https://www.unison.org.uk/my-unison/

UNISON and the other unions agreed strongly to recommend that members vote to reject the pay offer.


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Mandatory Vaccines for Care Staff

Covidvax image

New legislation covering care homes comes in to being on November 11th 2021. If you have not had your second Covid vaccination in time to be effective by this date you could be subject to having your contract with your employer ended unless you have a valid medical reason for not having the vaccination.

UNISON will where possible support our members in negotiating with the employer to secure redeployment if that is practicable. If you feel you are not being treated fairly by your employer let us know and we will offer support and advice wherever we can.

UNISON believes that employers should offer staff paid time off to get the vaccinations as part of the national effort. They should also support their employees to enable them to abide by the new legislation while continuing to do their jobs. We would also encourage employers not to count any time off due to any side effects of the vaccine towards sickness.

We understand that some people have concerns about vaccines, but UNISON urges all employees who are called forward to be inoculated to ensure that they take up the opportunity as soon as possible. We have always opposed compulsion, believing that persuasion is a much better way of increasing vaccine take up. However, we will be working to support and protect members who are affected by the new legislation.

Remember although the vaccines are effective, they do not completely stop the infection transmitting from person to person so all appropriate health and safety measures should still be taken by your employer. These measures will include personal protective equipment (PPE), for instance masks and aprons and also continued social distancing where it is appropriate. If you believe any of this support from your employer during the pandemic is not forthcoming – let UNISON know!

You can download further information here (Word documents):



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SBC Business Support Restructure

 UNISON has been supporting members in ‘Business Support’ across Southend Council, where a loss of 28 FTEs (Full Time Equivalents) is planned and 157 staff are having to reapply for their jobs.

The ‘consultation’ gave no information about the new jobs. This was completely unacceptable and the unions have now obtained an extension to the exercise. The Council will issue new information on the 6th September.

Will this be enough to make the consultation ‘meaningful’? We have met councillors to point out that the information for staff has been poor and that the plan to cut 25% of resources overall will impact services. Watch this space!

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July Newsletter

Southend UNISON Newsletter July 2021

Follow these links to individual articles:

Council Cuts
UNISON Financial Assistance
Disabled Members’ Officer
Black Members’ Education Weekend 2021
National Conference Report

or download a pdf here

Council Cuts and Restructures

Picture of civic centreSouthend Council aim to save £1 million a year by restructuring ‘business support’ services across the organisation. This affects 157 existing posts and threatens to cut 28 jobs. The plan is to centralise roles which are considered to be ‘admin’, hoping to make savings by cutting across specialisms.

UNISON is supporting members who face uncertainty and the threat of redundancy and will give everyone the individual representation they need. We are also questioning the impact of the proposals. ‘Admin’ and support jobs aren’t just filing or paper shuffling – they’re a vital support for front line services.

We wonder what will happen in your team when your ‘admin’ colleagues are removed and put into a generic ‘business support’ team? We bet we all have to shoulder the added tasks that they can no longer do!

Restructures and cost savings aren’t a victimless crime! They can cost our members their livelihoods but they also make it harder and more stressful for the staff who are left to deliver the services our community needs.
If you want to help defend all our jobs and services for the future – join us!

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Financial Assistance: National Welfare Support

members welfareIf you are a UNISON member and you are experiencing financial difficulties, whether due to coronavirus or other circumstances, our national welfare scheme ‘There for You’ can offer you support, including one-off grants.

You can find details of the benefits and how to apply at our ‘There For You’ web pages – There for You (UNISON Welfare) | Member support and services | UNISON National

School uniform grants
COVID-19 response fund
Other financial assistance
UNISON benefits calculator
UNISON budget planner
Help with debt

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Disabled Members Officer: What I do and  UNISON’s Disabled Members’ Conference

My name is Jill Henson, I am a Business Support Officer in the Department for People, based, usually at any rate, at Civic 1. I am the branch Disabled Members Officer. I am myself disabled, I am Spina Bifida (happy to expand on what that actually is and how it affects me if you wish to ask me; but won’t dwell on it here).

In my role, I focus on issues relating to disability and work to improve policies and practice relating to disabled members within workplaces. I support members in attending Absence Review Meetings, in accessing appropriate equipment and other support to enable them to carry out their jobs and in ensuring that reasonable adjustments are being made by the employer. A great resource for members and their managers alike is the government’s Access To Work service: https://www.gov.uk/access-to-work 

As we all know, the last 15 months has been a very challenging time, but it has also forced managers to be more flexible in their approach to how and where work can be done. This has really helped us as disabled members, as we don’t have the travelling time and all the energy that undertaking and planning this involves. Sickness absence has actually reduced for us – on a day when you’re feeling a little below par and would not be fit enough to travel to the office, we can still sometimes work from home, which is beneficial to both the individual and the employer.

UNISON’s Disabled Members Conference happens once a year and is a space to discuss and vote on issues relevant to disabled members and feed them into the wider union. You can find Conference information here – https://www.unison.org.uk/events/2021-national-disabled-members-conference/

Any disabled member can put themselves forward – get in touch if you are interested – it would be brilliant to get our branch represented at this year’s conference. But don’t delay too long! We will meet all expenses and assist in getting time off to attend. Email unison@southend.gov.uk with a subject of Disabled Members Conference

by Jill Henson, Disabled members officer

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Black Members’ Education Weekend 2021

At the Five Lakes Resort, Colchester Road Essex CM9 8HX
Starts 4.30pm on 12 November Ends 2.00 pm on 14 November 2021

  • Black members logo
    This weekend is open to any Black Member in the Eastern region who is involved in their branch or the Self Organised Group – or thinking about getting more active. There will be a range of workshops during the weekend including:

• Tim Roberts – Regional Secretary
• Thompson Solicitors – Race Discrimination workshop
• Developing future leaders in UNISON
• Developing your confidence and strategies for progression
• Anti Racism – Organising Black workers in the workplace
• Impact of long Covid – resources for Black members

The Eastern Region Black Members Self Organised Group Annual General Meeting 2021 will be held during the weekend.

This event is free for members. Your branch will pay your registration fee, your travel costs and any additional expenses you incur due to childcare or facilitation costs. If there is sufficient demand then a crèche will be provided. Partner rate of £120 is available where you wish to bring your partner and you are sharing a room. The member is responsible for this cost not UNISON and will be asked to pay the hotel direct to secure the booking.

What to do next?
Contact your branch and ask for approval to attend. Complete the application form and then send it to your branch to authorise. Please return your completed form by Friday 23 July 2021 to easterneducation@unison.co.uk. Any problems, please contact Andrea Shute on easterneducation@unison.co.uk or 01245 608905.

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National Conference Report by Claire Wormald

Virtual rostrumThis year’s national UNISON conference was held online for the first time. Our Branch Secretary, Claire Wormald attended as a delegate and reports on some of the key debates:

• Motion 72: the Branch Resources Review

This branch had mandated a vote against, as we felt what this motion proposed was insufficient, incomplete and we felt all our branches deserve better.
Over 20 people wanted to speak for and against as the decision would impact on the resources for branches and therefore on the ability of the union to organise around cuts and job losses. The review of branch resources had been requested 2 years ago as branches are doing 80% of the work with less than 23% of the funding from national subs. This formula had never been reviewed despite fragmentation and privatisation increasing the number of employers we have to deal with. Over 20 years, our branch has gone from 1 to 118 employers to deal with just as facility time has been cut.
Branch activists were reporting burnout due to the constant tidal wave of case work & ‘restructures’ with ability to push the organising agenda on the edge of a precipice, so this was a heartfelt and passionate debate.
The vote to move conference business was placed early on and was carried, due, many believe, to the gremlins in the electronic voting system. The motion was passed – if we are lucky the 0.5% increase in branch funding this motion offered might buy a few more UNISON lanyards but not much more!

• Motion 25: Securing an Equal and Sustainable Post Pandemic Settlement:

A lively debate with amendments calling on the unions to come out fighting, saying that members cannot carry the financial can for this crisis and that we need to strengthen union solidarity. Another amendment highlighted the importance of the unions being part of an international movement on climate change, with the global south suffering due to the richer countries emitting 50% of CO2 and the global south 7% . This makes the decision by Johnson to reduce the foreign aid budget from 0.7% to 0.5% even more despicable as this country adds to the underlying issues creating the poverty and thus the need for aid.

• Motion 59: Tacking climate change:

Another really interesting motion which made me realise how little as a branch we do about this (although we did join in the climate strikes called by Greta Thunberg). We need to get some green reps (yes they exist!) and start organising workers to put pressure on the COP26 summit this autumn in Glasgow and of course influence the council locally.

• Motion 27: No back to normal for disabled workers:

After years of saying no to requests of reasonable adjustments to include working from home employers are now realising this is doable. Disabled members reported back great advantages to this, but also were clear this is not an excuse for the employers not to provide reasonable adjustments back at work and that equipment must be provided for the home environment.

• Motion 6: Trade union recognition for outsourced workers:

A lack of union recognition leads to lowering of pay and worse conditions. It notes the recent fire and rehire tactics emerging in some areas despite the fact that these companies are being supported with public money – but using tactics like this to squeeze profits out of workers. There have been some wins over this recently including Norfolk street cleaners.

by Claire Wormald, Branch Secretary

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Test of TOC

UNISON Newsletter June 2021

Page 1 of June newsletter

Download a pdf here   or follow these links to individual articles:

UNISON wins extra ‘Covid’ leave day for all SBC staff

Since last year, UNISON has been raising the issue of employers recognising they need to do something to thank all staff who have been working through the Covid pandemic.

Our members have had many different experiences during Covid. This has ranged from juggling childcare and work or taking on a new role to support the changing needs of the pandemic through to carrying and taking the risk of working face to face with the public. All of us have worked to keep the public services this community relies on going.

The Council was not initially interested but we have kept plugging away and now we have won an additional one-off day’s leave for all staff. It’s the least we deserve.

All staff will benefit from this  – so if your colleagues are not in  UNISON ask them to join! There are more battles ahead, whether it’s over safety during the pandemic or making sure we can fight the cuts that are coming down the line from government. The more people who are in the union the better we can stand up for staff and services on all the issues, big or small.

Pass on the link here  join.unison.org.uk or ask your colleagues to email the branch for a membership form at unison@southend.gov.uk

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Employers’ Offer – Local Government Pay Insult

How do you think this government will reward all those public sector workers it spent months clapping for?

In 2020 we asked UNISON members what pay rise you felt local government workers deserved and the answer was 10% .

The employers’ latest offer was just 1.5%! This is an insult! It shows a blatant disregard for our hard work and sacrifices throughout the pandemic.

The employers also rejected the other part of the claim which included a 35 hour week, a homeworking allowance and a minimum 25 days annual leave for all.

UNISON has rejected this ‘offer’ and is calling on the local government employers to enter into urgent negotiations.

Councils need more funding from Central Government. They can afford it – they’ve thrown billions away on the failed track and trace system and schemes like ‘Eat Out to Help Out’. Now we need to see money being spent on public services, including on staff.

We urge every UNISON member to contact your MP, asking them if they support a fair pay rise for local government using this link: http://bit.ly/UNISONContactMP

There’s more information on the pay claim and publicity to use here:  http://bit.ly/Councilpay

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UNISON Black Members Self-Organised Group meeting

All Black members in Southend UNISON are invited to the next meeting of our Black Members’ Group. This is on Friday June 18th from 12.30-1.30pm. We held the first Southend Black members’ meeting in March and it became clear that Black members are facing a number of issues in the workplace. UNISON would like to provide a space to discuss those issues and encourage members to help and support each other in tackling them.

If you would like to attend then please contact the UNISON office on unison@southend.gov.uk for details of how to join the meeting. Let us know if there are specific issues you’d like to raise.

We hope to see as many Black members as possible at this meeting!

Louise McDermott and Gloria Lawton

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Point of View: Stop the Police Bill

As UNISON’s Equalities Officer, I spoke to a recent Southend rally against the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill. Here’s a summary of what I had to say:

“If this law is passed, police would be able to put harsh restrictions on anyone protesting. They already have powers where there could be serious public disorder or disruption, but the new law would criminalise even peaceful protest if it causes ‘annoyance’ or is ‘disruptive’. Protests are designed to be noisy and visible so of course they are going to annoy someone!

Every one of UNISON’s protests in Southend, over library closures, care homes or our pay and pensions rallies, could have been illegal under this bill!  Without protest we would never have got the vote for women, stopped the poll tax or repealed unfair laws like Section 28. Protest gives an essential voice to minority groups, starts debate and empowers citizens. Recent protests like Black Lives Matter have highlighted issues, and brought changes in areas we never thought possible.

This Bill also has stings in its tail which would take us back to the bad old days of ‘stop and search’ and make life even harder for the travelling community, already marginalised and discriminated against.

We do not want the Home Secretary or the police to be able to say who can protest in this country.

The establishment is running scared because they have seen what the power of protest can do and they don’t like it one bit. We must keep the momentum going. That’s why I say KILL THE BILL!”

Louise McDermott, Equalities Officer

Read more about why UNISON says we should oppose the new Police Bill here: http://bit.ly/UNISONBill

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Local Government and Schools Pay Campaign

Employers offer 1.5% pay insult

Pay Claim Graphic

Council and school workers have kept the country going, and after a decade of cuts, it’s time for a decent pay rise. But the Goverment and our employers have offered a slap in the face – just 1.5%!

Support UNISON’s claim for a fair increase – 10% pay rise for local government workers.

We urge every member to email your councillor

Local councillors can voice their support and raise this issue directly with local government employers. It takes one minute using our tool here:  Email your councillor

Our claim is fair

10% would pull the the lowest paid to above £10 per hour – ​lifting them above the ​real ​living ​wage of £9.50 per hour (outside London).

Staff working in local government have seen up to 25% wiped from the value of their pay, after ten years of savage local authority cuts and pay restraint.

Local government workers have kept the country going during the COVID crisis, facing daily risks to do vital work and keep communities safe.

UNISON is clear – it is time for fair pay for council and school workers ✊

On 14 May 2021 the local government employers made a pay offer of 1.5%.

UNISON’s NJC committee – council and school staff elected by members – will meet on Friday 21 May, to decide on our formal response, as well as next steps for the negotiations and the campaign. We will keep this webpage up to date.