UNISON LGBTQ+ Members Survey How do you identify?(required) Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans Non-binary Intersex Heterosexual - Ally Other Prefer to self-describe If Other please describe below If you prefer to self-describe please do so below Would you be interested in joining a self-organised group for LGTBQ+ UNISON Southend members and getting involved in union activities?(required) Yes No If you answered No, what do you see as the barrier to you joining? How can Unison support our Southend LGBTQ+ members, and how can our LGBTQ+ members support their Unison branch?(required) Activism Events Social Other If you answered Other, please give us your ideas Please let us know any other suggestions about what a new self-organised LGBTQ+ group can do as part of UNISON Southend Submit Δ Share this:TweetEmail